Frequently asked questions
Common questions, simple answers.
Cloudlocker uses our own data ingestion solution to securely stream data from your source location directly into cloudlocker over HTTPS. Our migration software can be hosted on small-footprint virtual servers within your corporate network.
Customers can easily export directly from the Cloudlocker user interface. For extensive exports, the Cloudlocker team can prepare and make the export available on a secured Azure Storage blob.
Short answer? Very. The cloudlocker system is user-friendly and intuitive. Most clients only need a 30-minute screenshare with our team to review the program.
Cloudlocker leverages Microsoft Azure’s services with security at the top of mind. Our security practices include restrictions based on IP address, automatic session time-outs, least-privilege access policies, multi-factor and two-level authentication, and the use of TLS for all data in transit. Cloudlocker is ISO27001 certified, the global standard for information security management systems.